A small percentage of the info by experts is good but it doesn't work if parents are set up to fail. Nationally is child raising is recognized as important then are thinking and actions towards parents needs to change drastically. Supporting parents, providing resources, and financial support for the family to provide for the best experience for children. Parents need to be respected, listened to and supported. There is a grand canyon sized gap in our countries actions to support what we all agree is such an important task. Trusting, listening to and respect for parents will go alot farther than advice.

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I so agree! Wonderful article.

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Your research, practical advice, and books have resonated with me the most as I researched within my practice and accessed outside trends, theories, and statistics for my upcoming graphic novel on social media. I could not agree more that the key is balance, age-appropriate exploration, and letting kids be kids again. My book is meant to convey this message, and your work continues to allow me to go against the grain and write about what I see. I tell my clients they are all “normal” and have used parenting support sessions to normalize so much of what parents are fretfully coming to me and wanting me to treat is typical and expected. They are healthy and doing well. We can’t have strong, healthy kids if they don’t make mistakes and we don’t give them the space to grow. Constantly sending a message that they’re incapable sends the wrong message that we don’t believe in their ability to solve problems independently or manage themselves in this world. Your article is deeply profound and sends a simple, powerful message.

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